Ikebana International
Ikebana (ee-kay-bah-nah), which means "Living Flowers”, is the art of Japanese flower arranging. At the beginning of the sixth century, Buddhism was brought to Japan from China and it was the custom of offering flowers to Buddha which developed over the centuries into ikebana.
Ikebana International was founded by Mrs. Ellen G. Allen in 1956 in Tokyo, Japan. Mrs. Allen had lived in Japan with her husband and had experienced the art. Washington, DC became Chapter #1 for this was the home of Mrs. Allen.
Ikebana International is administered by enthusiastic volunteers of many different nationalities and ikebana schools. Some of the ikebana schools stress classic styles while others focus on creative, contemporary forms and some blend the two. While each school is different, they openly share their inspirations, styles, philosophy, history, and techniques with each other. Membership in I.I. is open to all persons interested in the art of ikebana and the ideals of I.I. regardless of previous experience.
There are now over 200 chapters of Ikebana International around the world. The official flower is the cherry blossom.
Sarasota Ikebana
The Sarasota Chapter #115 was started in September of 1967. We have approximately 40 full and associate members. Associate members are full members of another chapter who winter in Sarasota. On presentation of their membership card they can become an associate member of Chapter #115 for a fee of $25 per year. They may attend meetings when in our area and will receive a copy of our yearly membership booklet and the chapter newsletter.
Our meetings are held on the last Monday of each month September through April, usually at the Sarasota Garden Club and Botanical Gardens main meeting room. The meetings include a short business session followed by a demonstration, workshop or other planned program. Lectures on flower arranging and related arts of Japan are also included in meetings.
Persons interested in joining the chapter pay dues of $85 per year. Our year runs from June 1st to May 31st and dues must be paid by May 31st.
New members can access a membership application in the New Member section of this website
Current members can find a renewal application in the Current Members section
Mission Statement
We foster collaborative efforts of local ikebana enthusiasts for private and public
practice and demonstration through an adept combination of marketing/outreach, use
of technologies, growing a diverse membership, financial stability, and practice-driven
growth of our individual and collective creative ikebana experience and skills. We are
committed to the long term vitality of the Chapter.
Ikebana international Magazine
A premier publication, issued three times a year, richly illustrated with color plates of ikebana arrangements, articles on ikebana, and related arts and cultural topics.
Chapter Activities Newsletter and Sakura News
Two lively newsletters that keep members informed of what is happening at chapter and regions around the world and at I.I. Headquarters.
Regional Conferences and World Conventions
Regional Conferences are held periodically in various regions throughout the world for the purpose of offering educational and cultural exchange opportunities to our members close to home. The I.I. World Convention is held every five years in Japan.
Monthly Chapter Meetings and Other Special Events
Members usually get together at monthly or bimonthly meetings to see ikebana demonstrations, hear lectures on related topics or participate in ikebana exhibitions, workshops or other events. By reciprocal arrangement, members are welcome to visit other chapters while on their travels.
Transfer of Membership
A member may transfer from one chapter to another upon presentation of a current, valid membership card.